Friday, October 11, 2013

SMUMN - Action Research Abstract - The Impact of Bring Your Own Device on an 8th Grade Social Studies Classroom

Cross-Post for St. Mary's University Master's Program:

What are the impacts of a Bring Your Own Device policy on an 8th grade social studies classroom? As more and more districts look to find ways to increase the use of technology in tight budgetary times they turn to a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). BYOD allows students to bring in internet-ready devices and cell phones for use on a school-regulated WiFi network for educational use in class. Additionally, many BYOD programs provide supplementary devices for students without devices to use to ensure equity. 

This action research will focus on the the outcomes and impact of a BYOD policy on 8th grade social studies students. Students will be surveyed at least three times throughout the year to gauge their perceptions of the policy, a log of how and when the devices are used will be kept, and unit pre and post-tests will be given in addition to numerous formative assessments.